Abhinav Srivastava

It's a phenomenon that I am very happy to observe that I possibly can't match or put a spade on it.

Available for hire

My Projects

GitHub repositories to which I've contributed and curated

Flutter application to implement a custom model which recognizes object via image upload
Dart 0 0
A social app for book lovers to share book reviews and recommendations and to discover new books based on their chosen genre.
Dart 0 0
COVID19 tracker for India.
Interactive Online Book on Digital Logic Design
JavaScript 0 0
A Vue based todo application for feasible day tasks :beetle:
This particular framework was created for the feasibility of authenticating and logging in a user :space_invader:
An open source github contribution analyzer
JavaScript 0 0
To all the codes I've written before...P.S. I still write them... :dizzy:
Java 0 0
This repository scrapes data from Wikipedia and stores it in world.json file and cases.csv as well :pancakes:
Python 0 0
This is a web scraper, it fetches data from the ministry of health and creates JSON out of it indicating corona statistics of each state :vulcan_salute:
Python 0 0
Hover over any region to know the countryName :sparkles:
HTML 0 0
This map is created through a svg file and have some basic styling :fountain:
HTML 0 0
This is a full stack website created for hotels to keep a record of the costumers in their hotel. This keeps a track of costumers in as well as the ones out of the hotel and keeps a record of all :smile:
HTML 0 0
C++ code to implement the legendary game called Pong. :ping_pong: Do go through Readme before doing anything :smile:
This particular game was curated with the ideology to pass time and release dopamine. Hope you enjoy after you win :dragon:
This application is created for a user to create a post publicly in which a person can add a photograph, and a text along the post to make it interesting. In order to create a post user must first of all register and then login to create a post. :)
JavaScript 0 0
JIIT-128's College fest website
JavaScript 0 0
This is a simple repository in which I've created a simple but yes efficient Blockchain. Not the one in which I could accept data rather one having static content created by me. Might do changes to accept and create chains having dynamic data.
JavaScript 0 0

My Interests

Topics that I want to learn more about.